Holy cow please forgive me - Part 1

Gaay humari maata hain. - a common adage I grew up listening.quiet to the contrary is the condition of the stray cattles in India. No wonder in a strong move, the allahabad high court recently announced a judgment that cow slaughter should be banned and Steps should be taken to preserve cows in india As an animal lover I often felt butterflies in my stomach when I see cows eating large chunks of garbage lying on the roads
Cows that eat plastic are found to eventually stop eating regular food. Plastic invades their internal organs. Toxic chemicals like dioxins have been found in their milk. Cows are known for their very sensitive sense of smell.
These plastics are indigestible and therefore pile up in their stomachs (rumen for cattle) with time and get entangled with different materials, forming a hard cement-like ball. After some time, the animal shows signs of being weak and tired then goes off feed and at times experiences bloat due to stomach blockage. A post-mortem of a cow admitted found 100 kg of plastic in its system. What people do while throwing out garbage is that they put vegetable peels, dirt, etc in a plastic cover and then throw it,"
Continued in part II