Just singin’ in the rain: Mumbai couple recreates Bachchan song and finds instant fame

Mumbai, Jul 7 (PTI) He loves getting drenched, she prefers to carry an umbrella. He’s no Amitabh Bachchan and she’s not Moushumi Chatterjee. And it matters little as Mumbai couple Shailesh and Vandana Inamdar recreate - and recapture - the romance of rains in a city that seems unchanged through four decades.
Forty-four years after Bachchan and Chatterjee frolicked through Mumbai with “Rimjhim Gire Saawan” playing in the background, the Inamdars can also be seen singing in the rain. Their ode to the Mumbai monsoon with the frame by frame recreation of the still remembered song from the 1979 film "Manzil" making them instant social media sensations.
So there is the greying Shailesh and his wife Vandana bringing back the nostalgia of unhurried walks through the rain and the simple joys of just holding hands