Karnataka govt lifts weekend curfew, night curfew continues

Bengaluru: Yielding the pressures from ruling party leaders and the traders, the state government has decided to lift the weekend curfew with immediate effect.
After a marathon meeting with Covid technical advisory committee here on Friday, the Chief Minister has taken a decision to lift the weekend curfew. The government has also decided to reschedule the timings of night curfew from existing 10 pm to 11pm.
Speaking to reporters after the meeting, Revenue Minister R. Ashok said that, CM has taken suggestions and advice from all members of the covid technical advisory committee and decided to lift the weekend curfew.
"Existing restrictions will be continued, Weekend curfew will be re-imposed if hospitalization of covid patients increases. At present, hospitalization of the people is below 5%. We requests people to follow safety measures", Mr. Ashok said and added that night curfew will be continued as usual from 10 pm to 5 am.
The state government has taken a decision after consolidated suggestions of the experts and also taken into consideration of covid rules prevails neighbouring states
There will be no withdrawal of night curfew considering the safety of the people, Mr. Ashok said.
Schools and Colleges remains closed in Bengaluru till January 29
Schools and Colleges will remain closed in Bengaluru Urban district till January 29. Due to the high positivity rate, schools and colleges will be closed till month-end. After January 29, the government will take a decision whether to reopen the schools in Bengaluru or not.
In other districts, based on Covid cases, deputy commissioners, Thasildars, block education officers will take a decision. If covid cases found a school, that school will remain closed for only three days. We have asked the schools should be taken as unit while considering Covid cases.
The positivity rate for children age group 5 to 16 is very less, said Primary and Secondary Education Minister B.C. Nagesh.
In the meeting, the government has discussed the hardship facing the people who depended on daily earnings. Due to weekend curfew, people have faced hardship. Hotel owners and traders have requested the Chief Minister to lift the weekend and night curfew.
Covid advisory committee suggestions
Lift the weekend curfew, but continue existing restrictions
Night curfew timings can be rescheduled.
Suggestions for little changes in 50:50 rules.
Closure of schools and colleges till January end in Bengaluru Urban district
Not necessary to the closure of the schools across the state, except Bengaluru.
Tough rules should be continued
Closure of swimming pool and gym during weekend
Restrictions on marriages, public functions and funerals should be continued.
More vigil on border districts
Compulsory Covid negative report for those who arrived from neighbouring states
Give free hand to deputy commissioners to take a decision based on situations in their respective districts.
Tough rules should be continued in the districts which has more than 1000 cases daily.
Mysuru, Hassan, Mandya, Tumakauru and Dakshina Kannada which has more than 1000 cases daily, tough rules should be continued in these districts