My Mother was born in Visnagar in Mehsana in Gujarat, which is quite close to my hometown Vadnagar. She did not get her own mother’s affection.At a tender age, she lost my grandmother to the Spanish Flu pandemic. She does not even remember my grandmother’s face. She spent her entire childhood without her mother .She could not throw tantrums at her mother, as we all do.She could not rest in her mother’s lap like we all do.She could not even go to school and learn to read and write. Her childhood was one of poverty and deprivation. he fact that she couldn’t even see her mother’s face, continued to pain her. My Mother did not have much of a childhood due to these struggles. She was forced to grow beyond her age. She was the eldest child in her family and became the eldeset daughter in law. In her childhood, she used to take care of the entire family and manage daily chores. After marriage too, she picked up all these responsibilities . In Vadnagar, our family used to stay in a tiny house which did not have any windows. Let alone a luxury like a toilet or a bathroom.