The Sydney Dialogue: Crypto-Currency shouldn't end up in wrong hands , says PM Modi
Prime Minister Narendra Modi delivered the keynote address at The Sydney Dialogue on Thursday. He spoke on the theme of India’s technology evolution and revolution, with the address being preceded by introductory remarks by the Australian Prime Minister.

New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi delivered the keynote address at The Sydney Dialogue on Thursday. He spoke on the theme of India’s technology evolution and revolution, with the address being preceded by introductory remarks by the Australian Prime Minister Scottt Morrison.
The Sydney Dialogue is being held from 17-19 November 2021. It is an initiative of the Australian Strategic Policy Institute. It will bring together political, business and government leaders to debate, generate new ideas and work towards common understandings of the opportunities and challenges posed by emerging and critical technologies. The event will also witness a keynote address by Australian Prime Minister Mr Scott Morrison and Former Prime Minister of Japan Mr Shinzo Abe.
Highlights of Keynote Address:
- We are in a time of change that happens once in an era. The digital age is changing everything around us. It has redefined politics, economy and society. It is raising new questions on sovereignty, governance, ethics, law, rights and security. It is reshaping international competition, power and leadership. It has ushered in a new era of opportunities for progress and prosperity.
- We're building world's most extensive public info infrastructure; used technology to deliver over 1.1 billion vaccine doses; investing in telecom technology such as 5G, 6G. India has the world's 3rd largest and fastest-growing start-up ecosystem.
- Essential for democracies to work together...It should also recognise national rights and promote trade, investment and larger public good. Take Crypto-Currency or Bitcoin for example. Important that all democracies work together and ensure it doesn't end up in wrong hands.
- Important transitions taking place in India. We're building world's most extensive public information infrastructure...We're on our way to connecting 600,000 villages; used technology to deliver over 1.1 billion doses of vaccines across India using Cowin and Aarogya Setu.
- Second transition- We are transforming people's lives by using digital technology for governance including empowerment, connectivity, delivery of benefits and welfare.
- Three, India has the world's third largest and fastest growing Startup Eco-system.New unicorns are coming up every few weeks.They are providing solutions to everything from health and education to national security.
- Fourth transition- India's industry and services sectors are undergoing massive digital transformation using technology for conversion of resources and protection of biodiversity
- Fifth transition-There is a large effort to prepare India for the future. We are investing in developing indigenous capability in telecom technology such as 5G and 6G; India is one of the leading nations in artificial intelligence.
- India has the world's third-largest and fastest-growing ecosystem. New unicorns are coming up every few weeks to provide solutions to everything from health to national security.
- As a democracy & digital leader, India is ready to work with partners for our shared prosperity and security. India's digital revolution is rooted in our democracy, our demography and the scale of our economy. It's powered by the enterprise and innovation of our youth.
- Technology has become a major instrument of global competition and key to shaping the future international order. Technology and data are becoming new weapons. The biggest strength of democracy is openness, at the same time we shouldn't allow vested interests to misuse this openness.