“Will cut off arms, gouge eyes”, BJP MP warns farmers
BJP MP Arvind Sharma warns the protesters to cut off arms and gouge eyes sparks controversy

Chandigarh: Haryana BJP MP Arvind Sharma on has warned the agitating farmers who protested against BJP leader Manish Grover.
Anyone who opposes Manish Grover, he would gouge out the eyes and cut off arms”, Mr. Sharma warned.
Addressing public meeting, Mr. Sharma said that Congress would run in circles for 25 years and not come to power in Haryana, he added.
Manish Grover is the BJP leader who was yesterday gheraoed by angry farmers while inside a temple in Kiloi village in Rohtak district. Arvind Sharma is the BJP's MP for Rohtak.
Mr. Grover has commented that agitating farmers are jobless alcoholics, they do not have job and protesting against farms law. His remarks has angered the farmers and they protested against him in a temple.
Mr. Grover and others were stuck inside the temple for nearly eight hours, after which Grover was seen outside with folded hands. It was only after this that those held hostage were allowed to leave.
Grover later said that he has not apologized to the farmers.
Others held hostage inside the temple were minister Ravindra Raju; Manmohan Goyal, who is the Mayor of Rohtak; and party leader Satish Nandal.
Farmers are protesting outside Delhi border, demanding repealing of three agricultural laws.
They have demanded the recall of three "black" laws they fear will rob them of MSP (minimum support prices) and leave them vulnerable to corporate interests.