Bangladesh yearns for new political force amidst uncertainty post-'Monsoon Revolution'

Bangladesh yearns for new political force amidst uncertainty post-'Monsoon Revolution'

Bangladesh yearns for new political force amidst uncertainty post-'Monsoon Revolution'

DHAKA: After Bangladesh's recent political upheaval following Sheikh Hasina's ouster, the deeply polarised country is yearning for a new political force to emerge beyond the traditional Awami League and Bangladesh Nationalist Party binary that aims to create a discrimination-free and more inclusive society.

“We have seen the BNP, Awami League, and Jatiya Party come to power and fail us for decades. It is time for someone new to lead our country,” says 60-year-old Ahmed, a rickshaw-puller in Dhaka, echoing a sentiment shared by many in present-day Bangladesh.

After unprecedented anti-government protests that peaked on August 5, Hasina, 76, resigned as prime minister and fled to India.