Love 'only' factor that pushed mother of four to sneak into India to live with Hindu man: Pak intelligence agencies

Lahore, Jul 17 (PTI) Pakistan’s intelligence agencies have informed the government that love is the "only" factor that led a mother of four to sneak into India to live with a Hindu man whom she befriended through an online game platform, a media report said on Monday.
Seema Ghulam Haider from Karachi in Sindh province and Sachin Meena in India got in touch while playing PUBG in 2019 and a dramatic love story unfolded between the two living more than 1,300 km apart, in countries not too friendly to each other.
Seema, 30, and Sachin, 22, live in the Rabupura area of Greater Noida, near Delhi, where he runs a provision store, according to Uttar Pradesh Police.