Karnataka govt would bring bill to curb illegal conversion

Bengaluru: Home Minister Araga Jnanendra informed the Legislative Assembly on Tuesday, the government is contemplating to bring the bill to prevent forcible conversion in the state.
Responding to a question of Hosadurga BJP MLA, Gulihatti Shekar, the Home Minister has admitted that by conversion is taking place in the state by luring and exploiting poverty.
Willful conversion is allowed in the country, but the government will certainly take legal action against forcible conversion. The government is working to prevent illegal conversion; meanwhile introducing bill on illegal conversion is also under consideration, Mr. Araga Jnanendra said.
Home Minister has also assured to take stringent action against the particular Church which filed rape and atrocity cases against public who opposed illegal conversion in the state. Under legal frame work, government will prevent illegal conversion in the state, Home Minister added.
Speaker Vishweshwara Hegde Kageri suggested the Home Minister to bring legislation to prevent illegal conversion in the state on the lines of other states.
Mr. Gulihatti raised the issue, stating that his mother has been a victim for illegal conversion. "For her disease, she went to Church, after coming to home her behavior has been changed and she stooped idol worship. Church authority has instructed her to stop idol worship and practice Christain religion at home", BJP MLA said in the House.
Many poor belongs to SC, ST community went to Church, where they have been forcibly converted to Christianity, Mr. Gulihatti Shekar pointed out and he also urged the state government to stop the benefits of SC,STs those who embrace Christianity.