Remote workers can travel around the world in $ 30,000 per annum

Looking to really get away from it all?
Life at Sea Cruises has begun taking bookings for what it calls the “ultimate bucket list”—a three-year world cruise that will cover over 130,000 miles and hit all seven continents and 135 countries. And the cost is a surprisingly affordable $30,000 per year.
Departing from Istanbul on Nov. 1, the ship’s itinerary shows a litany of stops, from Aberdeen, Scotland, to Zhanjiang, China. It will ferry up to 1,074 passengers, filling 400 cabins.
The company is the brainchild of Miray Cruises, which has been in the industry for 30 years. And while you’ll find many of the things you’d expect to see on a cruise, such as restaurants, pools and entertainment, the Life at Sea Cruise will also have a meeting center, with 14 offices, meeting rooms and a lounge that all passengers can freely access.
Part of the idea, of course, is to take advantage of the notable number of remote workers, who learned during the pandemic that they could still do their jobs without having to commute into the office each day. Those workers could face some tax advantages by working as an international resident.
They could also save a potential bundle on other bills. There are no utility charges on a ship. WiFi is included in the cost, as are medical visits and exams, port taxes and service charges. Even food and beverage charges are included in the fees, the company says
You don’t have to be isolated during the cruise either. Friends and family will have to pay local port taxes and fees, but there’s no charge for anyone to stay in your cabin. And you won’t have to shlep your belongings on board in a cadre of suitcases. Once you book, the cruise line will send a pod, which consists of two closets, which passengers pack and send along to the ship before they embark.
That $30,000 per year will get you a standard inside cabin, which is about 130 square feet. For just under $41,000 per year, you can stay in a 142-square foot superior outside cabin.
And if you’re all about that suite life, a 210 square foot room with a balcony will run $110,000 per year.