Unlock 3.0: Govt allows to open malls, temples

Bengaluru: Except Kodagu, the state government has lifted lockdown in the state, given more relaxation by giving permission to open Malls, Temples from Monday onwards. However, restrictions will be continued for pubs, theaters and public gatherings.
In unlock 3.0, the government has lifted restrictions in all districts barring Kodagu where positivity rate has not come down below 5%.
After discussing with senior ministers and officials, the Chief Minister has announced unlock 3.0 from July 5 to 19, 2021, for 15 days.
All shops, restaurants, malls, private offices, closed places are allowed to open with following covid protocols.
Marriages, family functions to be allowed with a maximum of 100 people. Temples and other religious places are permitted to open only for darshan's; no seva will be allowed, the Chief Minister said after meeting with senior ministers.
Theaters and pubs will remain closed for 15 days. However, bars and restaurants are allowed serve the liquor. Spots complex and stadiums shall be permitted for practice purposes for sportspersons.
Night curfew time has been relaxed- government has lifted weekend curfew. Except Kodagu, the government announced unlock in all districts. Theaters, pubs will remain closed till July 19.
All social, political, sports, entertainment, academic, cultural, religious functions, other gatherings, and large congregations are prohibited.
Cremation to be allowed with a maximum of 20 people. Public and private transport are allowed to operate with full seating capacity. All educational institutions, tutorials, and colleges remain closed until further order, the Chief Minister said.

The government has canceled the weekend curfew; however, night curfew will continue to be imposed from 9.00 PM to 5.00 AM.
Based on their assessment of the situation after consultation with the district-in-charge Ministers, Deputy Commissioners may impose additional containment measures in their respective districts.
Metro and public transport are allowed to run with a hundred percent sitting capacity. Government office, industrial and commercial establishments are allowed to run with 100 percent capacity.
“The present unlock 3.0 measures will be in force for 15 days. If people are cooperating to the government, the relaxation will be continued; otherwise, we will cancel the same after 15 days”, CM warned.
Read:State govt announces complete unlock in 16 districts, partial in 13 districts
After 15 days, the government will be allowed to open theaters and pubs. Regarding the opening of educational institutions, a separate decision will be taken, the CM said.
Once vaccination is completed for the students, the government will take a call to open all resume offline classes for degree and post graduate courses.
Read: Malls, theaters likely to open from July 5