Right-wing activists threatens Principal for celebrating Christmas in school

Mandya: Hindutva activists have interrupted the Christmas celebration in Mandya town here on Thursday. Right-wing activists have forced the school principal and teachers to stop celebrating Christmas in the school.
Headmistress of Nirmala English High School and College alleged that right-wing groups have forced their way into the institution when the students had organized a Christmas celebration.
Soon after the Legislative Assembly adopted the Anti-conversion bill at Belagavi Session Thursday, the right-wing activists have entered the school premises, threatened the Principal and teachers of the school to stop Christmas celebrations.
"We have been organising Christmas celebrations every year. But due to covid induced restrictions, we decided to call it off. At the insistence of the students, we organised a small celebration. The students had voluntarily pooled in money and ordered a cake, to which one of the parents has objected," the headmistress Kanika Francis Mary told reporters.
A parent of one of the students had informed the right-wing groups that the school was "preaching Christianity" and celebrating Christmas but not Hindu festivals.
After learning about the celebrations, members of the group barged into the institution and began questioning the school management. The school management has decided to file a complaint to the jurisdictional police.