India abstains from UNSC vote on Ukraine crisis
In the 15 member Un security council, the resolution received 11 votes in favour of Ukraine and 3 abstentions including India, China, and the UAE.

New Delhi: Indian government has abstained from voting at the UN Security Council (UNSC)resolution on Russia’s invasion against Ukraine.
New Delhi stated that peace talks are the only solution for the answer to settle the difference and resolve the disputes between two warring nations. India has also expressed its regret for giving up diplomacy to douse the tension between two European countries.
The resolution in UN did not pass as permanent member Russia used its veto. In the 15 member Un security council, the resolution received 11 votes in favour of Ukraine and 3 abstentions including India, China, and the UAE.
UN Security Council met to pass a resolution against the Russian invasion of Ukraine and it was decided to stern Russia with strong words.
Before the meeting, UN Secretary of State Anthony Blinken spoke to Indian foreign minister S. Jayshankar stressed need the strong and collecting response to condemn the Russian assault on Ukraine. She stated that what America called Russia's "premeditated, unprovoked and unjustified attack on Ukraine".
But India stayed firm on its stand at the UNSC vote, and later issued a sharp Explanation of Vote that called for a return to the path of diplomacy.
"India is deeply disturbed by the recent turn of developments in Ukraine," India's Permanent Representative to the UN, Ambassador TS Tirumurti, said, explaining India's abstention, NDTV reports.
"All member states should honour principles of international law and UN Charter, as these provide a constructive way forward," said India, asserting that it had maintained its "consistent, steadfast and balanced position".
India has retained the option of reaching out to relevant sides in an effort to bridge the gap and find the middle ground, with an aim to foster dialogue and diplomacy.
Even India has reached out to Russia, requested its friend to stop the war against Ukraine. Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi telephoned Vladimir Putin expressed his concern over the development in eastern Europe and he requested Putin to resolve the crisis through diplomacy. Modi has also expressed his concerns about Indians who are stranded in Ukraine. He seeks Russian assistance for safe returns of Indians from the war-bound state.