Justin Trudeau led Liberal Party projected to retain power in Canada

Ottawa: Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is set to form the next government after a tight election race against the opposition Conservative Party. Trudeau is projected to form a minority government for a second time, according to CTV and the Global news project. It’s the country’s 44th federal election.
Canada's ruling Liberal Party led by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is set to form the next government, CBC News projected on Monday, after a tight election race.
Trudeau called the early election in hopes of winning a majority of seats in Parliament but has faced criticism for calling a vote during a pandemic to cement his hold on power, reported the Associated Press.
According to CBC News’s Poll Tracker, which aggregates all public polling data, the Liberals were polling at 31.5 per cent and 31 per cent for the Conservatives. Many ballots, including mail-in ballots, will not be counted until Tuesday.
The 2021 Canadian federal election (formally the 44th Canadian general election) was held on September 20, 2021, to elect members of the House of Commons to the 44th Canadian Parliament. The writs of election were issued by Governor-General Mary May Simon on August 15, 2021, when Prime Minister Justin Trudeau requested the dissolution of Parliament for a snap election.