Russia Ukraine conflict: India abstained from UNGA resolution

Neighbouring countries, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh abstained from voting, while Nepal, Afghanistan, Maldives and Bhutan voted in favour of the resolution.  

Russia Ukraine conflict: India abstained from UNGA resolution

New Delhi: India was one among the 35 countries that abstained from voting on the resolution passed by United Nations General Assembly (UNGA).

The UNGA resolution strongly reprimanded Russia for invading Ukraine and urged that there should be an immediate withdrawal of all Russian forces.  141 countries approved the resolution in favour, 35 abstentions and five countries voted against it. 

Neighbouring countries, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh abstained from voting, while Nepal, Afghanistan, Maldives and Bhutan voted in favour of the resolution.  Only Eritrea, Belarus, Syria and North Korea voted against the resolution. Cuba, a long time friend of Russia abstained, Venezuela did not cast vote. Serbia, a Balkan ally voted in favour of the resolution. 

 Moscow faced embarrassment as it got support from only five countries and 141 countries voted in favour of the resolution. Though it is not legally binding it expressed the “Popular will” of the 193-member body and also it carries political weight.


Tirumurti, India’s permanent representative to the UN, stated that India was "extremely concerned," and he reminded everyone that an Indian student had been slain in Kharkiv as a result of the ongoing clashes. "We demand safe and continuous passage for all Indian nationals, including our students, who remain stranded in Ukraine, notably in Kharkiv and other conflict-affected cities. This is a worry shared by several member states. This demand has been reinforced to both the Russian Federation and Ukraine. This is still our top priority."

The Indian diplomat said India supports the need for an early ceasefire and secure humanitarian access to conflict zones. "We remain steadfast in our belief that disagreements can only be resolved via communication and diplomacy." "PM Modi has made this clear in his interactions with foreign leaders, including those from Russia and Ukraine," he said.

Tirumurti felt that the second round of discussions between Russia and Ukraine will result in a beneficial outcome. "India encourages all member states to demonstrate their commitment to the ideals of the UN Charter, international law, and respect for all governments' sovereignty and territorial integrity," the official continued.

This is the fourth time India has refrained from voting on Ukraine-related issues in the last week in various UN committees since Russian soldiers marched into Ukrainian territory.

India abstained from the draft resolution in the UN security council, India also abstained on a procedural resolution in the UN Security Council that called for an emergency special session of the General Assembly to discuss the ongoing war. 

India abstained from a vote in the UNHC to hold an urgent debate on the situation in demanding to pass a resolution for an investigation into alleged human rights violations.