The Unbelievable Nail Houses In China

Kolkata: Do you know about the ‘Nail Houses’ of China or ever heard about a nail house? What it is?
Well, nail houses or dingzihu, are homes that lie stranded on the in construction sites as the owners of these property developer fail come on a consensus with regards to the compensation.
Anybody who visits China admires the massive investment of its government in developing the country’s infrastructure – right from wide roads to having a large numbers of buildings and huge rail network across the country. In fact BBC in one of its report has even attributed its rails and roads as tools that that lead to the growth of China’s economic power.
According to a study published by McKinsey & Company, a global management consulting firm, in its June 2016 report BBC had mentioned that China spends more on infrastructure annually than North America and Western Europe combined.
But despite all, finding a nail house here and there, sticking out oddly amidst the newly built infrastructure is not a rarity in China. In most cases, it’s the famers or small shopkeepers seeking better compensation, who refuse to leave their homes even when developers cut off their power and water supply, thereby, making it difficult for them to survive.
There have been instances where the developers have event created ditches or mounds to make the life of nail house owner difficult. But they refuse to budge unless they are aptly compensated.
Most Chinese claim the practice to be on for over a decade now. And it seems to be going even stronger. For instance, a visit to China”s financial capital Shanghai, will leave you astonished with the number of nail houses sticking out in Guangfuli area.
There are few such examples of nail houses in United States and Switzerland also, but China supersedes them all in this.
So when you visit Shanghai or any other part of China, try to took out for a nail house or two apart from the famous bullet train. Because being adamant not to leave the place, such house owners are called stubborn also, but they do not mind being termed as stubborn.