Around 2,000 Amazon employees to stage walkout in protest against layoffs, WFO mandate

Around 2,000 Amazon employees to stage walkout in protest against layoffs, WFO mandate, along with several other tech companies, saw mass layoffs recently. A group of Amazon employees have decided to show protest against mass layoffs, work-from-office mandate and the company’s environmental impact. Nearly 2,000 Amazon employees are slated to stage a walkout.

As per the Amazon Employees for Climate Justice, a climate change advocacy group founded by Amazon workers, around 1,800 employees from all across the world, including 870 at the Seattle office, have pledged a walkout.

More than 100 people gathered in the afternoon by the Spheres, the glass-dome monument at the heart of Amazon's Seattle headquarters, according to a Reuters witness. "Emissions climbing. Time to act!" the group chanted. "Stand together; don't turn back!"

Amazon can’t seem to catch a break lately. On top of flagging retail sales and a tricky economic environment to contend with, it now has unhappy corporate workers to add to its list of woes. Nearly 2,000 employees took part in a planned walkout this week, with climate change and a back-to-work mandate Amazon enforced from the start of May at the top of the agenda.