Australia put unvaccinated people under lockdown

Sydney: Australia has decided to put unvaccinated people under lockdown from Monday, it has been considered a surprise move of the government to put unvaccinated people under lockdown.
The coronavirus has reached 2 million in the Western European Union in last week, thus the Netherlands and Latvia have both imposed new measures, while Germany is considering new restrictions after cases rose to record levels.
People who haven't been vaccinated will only be able to leave their homes to work, study, attend to medical needs, buy groceries, or get some fresh air.
Unvaccinated people caught breaking the rules by entering places like retail shops or cinemas are subject to fines starting at about 500 euros ($572). Businesses caught violating the new rules face fines starting at about 3,000 euros. Groups conspiring to actively evade regulations could be on the hook for 30,000 euros, NDTV reported.
Austria's Interior Ministry said that police checks will be potentially conducted on everybody, which means that even inoculated people shouldn't leave their homes without carrying proof of vaccination.
Only about 65% of Austrians are fully vaccinated, one of the lowest in Western Europe, and short of levels thought to create herd immunity against the virus.
People who are vaccinated will still be able to shop, dine and attend cultural events. Commerce groups figure the new rules could cost as much as 350 million euros of sales a week. The new rules will be in place until at least Nov. 24, stated in the report.