Sputnik V available in India from September

Sputnik V available in India from September

New Delhi: Pune-based Serum Institute of India will produce the Russian Sputnik V vaccine from September. 

The Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF) said that “ we will have a plan to produce over 300 million doses in India per year”. The first batch of vaccines will be expected to available in the market from September 2021. 

RDIF further stated that SII had received cell and vector samples from the Gamaleya Center. Drug Controller General of India has approved the import of cell and vector samples. The cultivation process has begun, RDIF said. 

"I am delighted to partner with RDIF to manufacture the Sputnik vaccine. We will produce over 300 million of doses in the coming months with trial batches starting in September," Serum Institute chief Adar Poonawalla said. 

"With high efficacy and a good safety profile, it is critical that the Sputnik vaccine is accessible in full measure for people across India and the world. Given the uncertainty of the virus, it is important for international institutes and governments to collaborate and further bolster up our fight against the pandemic," he added.