Taliban tortures Afghan journalists

New Delhi: Taliban has thrashed two Afghanistan journalists who cover women's protests in Kabul on Wednesday.
Taliban has promised to protect the human right and freedom of the press, but soon after the new Taliban government came to power, it’s true colour has exposed before the world.
Tweeter images released by Marcus Yam, a foreign correspondent for Los Angeles Times, and Etilaatroz, Afghanistan newspaper, exposed the human rights violation of the Taliban.
The image tweeted by Mr. Yam show two journalists stripped to their innerwear and standing with back to the Camera. Their legs and back are appeared to be red welts and bruises.
Etilaatroz has stated that its two journalists, Taqi Daryabi and Nematullah Naqdi, were tortured and beaten by Taliban militants to cover women’s protests.
Read: Pakistan’s poxy Taliban govt in Afghanistan
According to Etilaatroz, Mr. Daryabi and Mr. Naqdi, video editor and a reporter, were covering a protest led by women in the Kart-e-Char area of western Kabul yesterday when they were abducted by the Taliban, taken to different rooms, and beaten and tortured.
Zaki Daryabi tweeted that "the history of #Afghanistan journalism always remember the first day of #Taliban cabinet announcement and this photo of @etilaatroz journalists who were tortured by Taliban force".