Too little, too late; mere words won't do: Cong on PM's Manipur video remarks

Delhi, Jul 20 (PTI) After Prime Minister Narendra Modi's remarks on the incident of women being paraded naked in Manipur, the Congress on Thursday accused him of playing politics by mentioning Rajasthan and Chhattisgarh while "breaking his silence" on the northeastern state and said this was "too little too late" and "mere words won't do anymore".
Hitting out at Modi, Congress general secretary Jairam Ramesh said after more than 1800 hours of an "incomprehensible and unforgivable silence", the prime minister finally spoke on Manipur for a sum total of 30 seconds.
He said after this, "the PM tried to divert attention from the colossal governance failures and the humanitarian tragedy in Manipur by equating crimes against women in other states, especially those governed by the opposition while ignoring atrocities on women in states like Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh and Gujarat