Astronomers hint a new gravitational wave murmur

London, Jun 28 (PTI) A European team of scientists studying data collected over two decades has found tantalising evidence of elusive low-frequency gravitational waves, results of a study said on Wednesday.
The results, including analysis carried out by astronomers at the University of Birmingham and Manchester, published in Astronomy and Astrophysics, said ultra-low frequency gravitational waves carry information about some of the best-kept secrets of the universe, including the formation of binary systems of super-massive black holes and events that may have taken place when the universe was in its infancy, just a few seconds old.
Scientists from the European Pulsar Timing Array in collaboration with Indo-Japanese astronomers from the Indian Pulsar Timing Array have been searching for these signals using six of the world’s most powerful radio telescopes. The telescopes monitor radio signals from rotating neutron stars, called pulsars.