China used Left parties to scuttle India-US nuclear deal: Ex-foreign secretary Vijay Gokhale

New Delhi: Ex-Foreign Secretary Vijay Gokhale, in his recently released book, accused China of using Indian Left parties to scuttle India-US nuclear deal in 20018-08.
This revelation is part of former foreign secretary Vijay Gokhale's new book, The Long Game: How the Chinese Negotiate with India. Penguin Random House India published the book.
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In the book, Gokhale stated that China used its "close connections" with Left parties in India to "build domestic opposition" to the Indo-US nuclear deal between 2007 and 2008. This might have been the "first instance for China to operate politically in Indian domestic politics".
Reacting to the accusation, CPI leader Binoy Viswam, said, "Such irresponsible and nonsensical comments need no reply. The Left of a political contingent of Indian reality is more patriotic than any bureaucrats or right wing politicians".
Another CPM leader, Hannan Mollah said, " In India, bourgeois ruling parties work as agents of US and Israel. Left never had foreign influence. They have independent understanding. Left didn't do anti-national work".