CoWIN launches new API: Know Your Customer’s Vaccination Status

New Delhi: Co-WIN has developed a new API called ‘Know Your Customer’s/Client’s Vaccination Status’ or KYC-VS. To use this API, an individual needs to enter his/her mobile number and name.
Thereafter, they will get an OTP which they have to enter. In return, Co-WIN will send a response to the verifying entity on the individual’s status of vaccination, which will be as follows –
0 - Person is not vaccinated
1 - Person is partially vaccinated
2 - Person is fully vaccinated
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This response will be digitally signed and can be shared instantly with the verifying entity. A real-life example could be when at the time of booking a railway ticket, an individual will input the necessary details for buying the ticket and if required, the concerned entity will also get the vaccination status in the same transaction, with the due consent of the individual.
Additionally, in order to facilitate quick integration and faster adoption, the Co-WIN Team has prepared a webpage with the API, which may be embedded in any system.