Mr Vaidyanathan - Beware IDFC bank customers are getting harassed

Its a case of acute harassment and torture. One of the customers of IDFC Bank is getting harassed from the bank employees - Kumar Gaurav and Pankaj. The two RM's are meeting the customer and making false committment that the loan is approved and will be sactioned before month end. The normal TAT for car loan is 7 days however the customer is made false promises of loan approval and wasted a month and then on the final day of disbursal told that the loan is rejected from business head. interestingly the loan amount is 7 lakhs and time frame for loan disbursal is 7 days . The two RM's chased the customer on the sunday ask irrelevant questions and harassed for every possible information and then told the customer that the loan is rejected. the customer is now beginning to wonder in case the two RM's wanted some money under the table and so purposely rejected the loan. Mt Vaidynathan - you have to take note of this development as its a case of acute harassment and torture. The customer has also given the net worth certificate and shown the bank that there is no asset - Liability mismatch. After so many documents Mr Vaidyanathan how can the bank reject the Car Loan. what is the basis of this rejection and how can a customer be harassed for a month when the TAT is just 7 days. How are you justifying this to the customer. The customer is now planning to take this matter legally as the decision should not take so long and after recorded phone calls assuring disbursement and approval the bank cant take a u turn on disbursement day. Mr Vaidyanathan - this case has to be investigated and the business head has to be taken to task. 24x7liveindia hopes that customer gets justice !