Vaccine for Children start in January 2022, Booster doses for adults

New Delhi: Covid-19 inoculation for children and booster doses for adults is getting ready in next two weeks, said government officials.
The National Technical Advisory Group on immunization in India will finalize the comprehensive plan for giving additional doses of covid-19 vaccine to adults, said officials.
Vaccination for children with comorbidities would likely start in January, said, officials. By March, all other children are likely to become eligible for vaccination, they added.
Including the US, few Nations have been authorized to start booster doses for adults, it would be considered as solid protection against the deadly virus. Children will be considered as a priority group, with schools having started on-site classes in several states.
After the devastating second wave that killed lakhs in India, concerns exist on whether children would be vulnerable next since adults have already been vaccinated at least with one dose if not both.
A debate on whether an additional or booster dose is needed is going on among policymakers and scientists around the world. The US is set to become the latest country to widen COVID-19 booster eligibility beyond those with comorbidities, the elderly and other high-risk groups.
Many scientists tracking the data believe it's the right time for the move; however, some have expressed misgivings, since the original vaccines are still holding up well against severe disease and death among the general population